Tuesday, May 10, 2011


In the Revelation of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) we are shown in (Rev.13:1,2) the composition of Papal Rome. We know from the prophecies of Daniel 2,& Daniel 7 that it was the iron fist of pagan Rome which was to come upon the stage of action at the fall of Greece. Rome continued the false worship systems it had inherited, and although greater autonomy was given to it’s protectorate the vain philosophies and worldly educational systems continued and developed under Roman rule. The names of gods of the Greeks where changed to reflect Roman culture. However, we are told in the prophecies that the a little horn was to arise out of pagan Rome and that the Dragon was to give him (Papal Rome) His power seat and great authority; and establish a  persecuting power over the ten divisions of Rome for 1260yrs.(We have previously identified; by the Scriptures, that the Dragon was Satan working through pagan Rome to destroy;if possible the Child as soon as it was to be born). And we know from history that it was pagan Rome, through Justinian, that gave its’ power to Papal Rome. It (Papal Rome) was to receive a deadly wound (1798 when the Pope was captured by the French) but the prophecy says the this deadly wound would be healed (1929 when the Vatican was officially recognized as a political and religious state.) The next specification of the prophecy says that all the world is to wonder after the Beast.

When considering earthly governments we must understand that there are two opposing forces vying for the hearts of men. (Dan.10:20,13) And although good things can be said about the ancient Roman empire, at the same time Satan was working to impress his signature and attributes upon Roman law and culture.

Thus from the earliest times, till now, we see good and evil struggle for supremacy on a personal, family, and a governmental level, and now a global level. However, with each successive generation we see a continual general demoralizing of humanity and its concomitant evil forms imprinted in the politics and policies of human governments.(2Tim.3:13; 1Jo

.5:19) And it is Satan’s studied aim to destroy all godliness from off the earth and have complete control of humanity without a dissenting voice.(Rev.12:17) 

It was through the united voice of one third of the angelic host that Satan sought to gain complete and supreme power and authority in Heaven. It was through the serpent in the garden of Eden that Satan sought to gain complete control and dominion of the earth. It was through the antediluvian world that he sought to gain complete homage to his form of government. It was through Nimrod that Satan sought to build the first World Government with its seat of Power at Babel. It was through Babylon that he thought to obliterate the knowledge of God through saturating the subjugated Kingdom of Judah with Baal worship. Through each successive kingdom he continued to develop his principles until now; in this last remnant of time He seeks to bring into full power His masterpiece of Satanic government.

Therefore from age to age Satan has been developing his principles of government and YHWH has, at the same time been confirming His truth and sealing His royal Law of liberty among His obedient subjects (Isa.8:16; James 2:12)The ripening of both good and evil principles, in the hearts of man are becoming more apparent in many of the events transpiring today; especially in regards to the subject of civil and religious freedom. 

And why is this important for us to know as we consider the revealing of the Beast and false prophet of Revelation? Unless we understand the underlying principles of YHWH’S government and consistently seek for His direction, we will find ourselves pledging allegiance to the Beast and his government. Satan is to work in these times with lying wonders (2Cor.11:13-15) so much so, that if it where possible he would deceive the very elect (Matt.24:24) We, as the people of Elohim (God), are to move from heavenly principles and be governed by Heavenly Law. The worldly governments are being empowered from beneath, by the beast that ascendeth from the bottomless pit(Rev.11:7), to solidify it’s subjects in deception and ensnare the righteous in their unholy Triumvirate. (Namely the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet)

To whom do we pledge our allegiance? To whom will we place our loyalty?

YHWH our God is yearning for each of us to receive Yahshua (Jesus) by faith in His perfect Life and sacrifice, that we may fill our appointed position in His Universal Government. Behold the Lamb of Elohim which takes away the sins of the world! Behold what manner of Love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. This is a commandment which Yahshua has left us. All we need is to behold Him!

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Cor.3:18

If you have any questions regarding this post; place them in your comment and we will answer them.


Shalom In Yahshua (Jesus)





  1. Dear Brother,
    you're thoughts are intriguing. I do believe that the Roman Catholic Church is a picture of the beast, But I also believe that he will be a man. You see, God is 3 fold. When you look at scripture (i believe) you must look at it in 3 ways: Physical and very literal, Spiritual, & metaphorical or poetical. So, I look at it as: Physical and very literal- a man (human)that takes over the world, given a deathly blow and able to heal. Spiritual- Satan himself is the beast. Metaphorical and poetical - A religious system, (Roman Catholic Church) By looking at scripture this way i have seen many things in Revelations itself that have opened my eyes to what's to come. And Yes! Our loyalties should be to our King and Savior and NOT to this world. I am a heavenly citizen before my worldly citizenship and I should hold to that more.
    Thank you for your blog

  2. Shalom Barbie,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter. I agree with you that their are levels of meaning in the Scriptures and that they are consistent with each other. The Bible definition of a Beast is a kingdom. And the Bible definition of a 'horn or head' refers to a man. More specifically we are told in Rev.13:18 that the "number of the Beast" is the number of A MAN.

    Thanks again for sharing.

    Shalom In Yahshua.
