There is much speculation as to the true identity of the anti-christ….the beast of Rev.13 and the false prophet. Many articles have been written and videos produced to give this or that version of the true identity of these principalities and powers.
We ask however, what is the Scriptural version? What version do we adhere to? Has Elohim given us the identity of these things in the Scriptures or have we to lean to our own understanding and guess?
In the writings of Peter we find an interesting verse “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:” 2Pet.1:19
Yes, ‘a more SURE word of prophecy’. We are to take the word and its interpretation as sure, and with this we proceed.
When studying prophecy (especially) Revelation it would be a good idea to check with other prophetic writings of Scripture to see if we can find a pattern of similar things, events, times, symbols relating to the same power. For example, we want to identify the beast of Rev. 13:16….we go to the beginning of the chapter and we find the first beast ‘before him’ and we see that it is a composite or hybrid beast. It was like a leopard, bear, and lion. Ok lets look at another passage (In prophecy) which talks about the same beasts…..Dan. 7:4-6….Verse 4 speaks of a lion,
verse 5 talks about a bear and verse 6 describes a leopard. We’ve learned from Dan. 7:17,23 that these animals represent kingdoms/nations. So we are going to keep to the symbols for the moment ok? So when looking at Dan.7:4-6 and Rev. 13:1-2 we see the same beasts being used. In Dan.7 the beasts are separate and distinct one from another; however, in Rev.13 they come together in one hybrid beast. This is important because what we are seeing is a transference of principles and policies to the next kingdom,….and the next….and the next…to the end of time where we will see in the final One World Government a composite beast; representing all the successful principles and polices which men, inspired by Satan; have devised to induce to forgetfulness of YHWH and His truth and supplant it with the vain philosophies of men.
The kingdoms described in Dan.7 are Lion=Babylon...Bear=Medo- Persia, the Leopard= Greece. We derive this understanding by comparing this with Dan.2 Many Bible students agree that Dan. 2 and 7 are the same vision but using different symbols. The reason for the different symbols is to highlight different aspects of the same power and to give the same information in a different way. For example, in Dan.2 we have Babylon = head of Gold. In Dan 7 the same power is called a Lion. Gold is the most precious metal the most costly. Babylon was the wealthiest nation. And because is it also a Lion it is also the preeminent of secular powers.
However, unlike in Dan.7 where the Lion is separate; the image of a man with Babylon as the head,(in Dan.2) is given to denote its connection with the next world power after it.
Satan’s desire is worship.(Isa. 14:14;Matt.4:9) He seeks to obtain it through worldly powers. From the beginning of his rebellion in Heaven; he has sought worship, and the setting up of a revel government to sway; if possible all the worlds(Heb.1:2) to worship and pay homage to him. He was given time(Rev.12:12); to establish his throne of Iniquity(Ps94:20). From age to age Satan has been working behind the scene studying what are the best methods to enslave and destroy.
For example, with the nation Babylon He enslaved the bodies of men (Dan. 1:1-4;Jer.25:11,12) to see what success he would have in destroying the Word and works of YHWH.
With the next nation; The Medes and Persians, he developed the principle of permanence of law. The law of the Medes and Persians changes not. (Dan.6:8,15)
With the Greeks it was the exaltation of the wisdom of men. Philosophy, worldly education, the blending of the philosophy of men with the words of YHWH.
These principles; developed in the kingdoms shown in the prophecies are; to be seen and used in the NWO government outlined in the prophecies of Revelation. “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”
The NWO will use the slavery of ancient Babylon(Rev.18:13), the permanence of law(Rev.13:15), and the blending of the philosophies of men with the True Gospel of Messiah(Mark. 7:7,Matt.15:9 Col.2:8), to produce the modern day imperial Rome.
(to be continued……)
Hi Yuri:
ReplyDeleteWhen I tried to view your blot, "Arrested For Sedition" on the usual link that I have under those I follow it takes you into another site.
I don't know if you knew that, but something has occurred and I can no longer get into the site with the link I had.
Shalom Toni,
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm having trouble renewing my subscription with that blog. For some reason I not able to renew. And I wanted to do several posts (especially) at this time of year.
Thanks for showing your concern.
Shalom In Yahshua.
This is fantastic stuff and lines up exactly with the Beth Moore study I've been doing on the book of Daniel. Thanks so much for affirming it in my mind once again :)
ReplyDeleteShalom Cheesemakin Mamma. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment on this post.
ReplyDeleteShalom In Yahhshua.