Tuesday, May 10, 2011


In the Revelation of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) we are shown in (Rev.13:1,2) the composition of Papal Rome. We know from the prophecies of Daniel 2,& Daniel 7 that it was the iron fist of pagan Rome which was to come upon the stage of action at the fall of Greece. Rome continued the false worship systems it had inherited, and although greater autonomy was given to it’s protectorate the vain philosophies and worldly educational systems continued and developed under Roman rule. The names of gods of the Greeks where changed to reflect Roman culture. However, we are told in the prophecies that the a little horn was to arise out of pagan Rome and that the Dragon was to give him (Papal Rome) His power seat and great authority; and establish a  persecuting power over the ten divisions of Rome for 1260yrs.(We have previously identified; by the Scriptures, that the Dragon was Satan working through pagan Rome to destroy;if possible the Child as soon as it was to be born). And we know from history that it was pagan Rome, through Justinian, that gave its’ power to Papal Rome. It (Papal Rome) was to receive a deadly wound (1798 when the Pope was captured by the French) but the prophecy says the this deadly wound would be healed (1929 when the Vatican was officially recognized as a political and religious state.) The next specification of the prophecy says that all the world is to wonder after the Beast.

When considering earthly governments we must understand that there are two opposing forces vying for the hearts of men. (Dan.10:20,13) And although good things can be said about the ancient Roman empire, at the same time Satan was working to impress his signature and attributes upon Roman law and culture.

Thus from the earliest times, till now, we see good and evil struggle for supremacy on a personal, family, and a governmental level, and now a global level. However, with each successive generation we see a continual general demoralizing of humanity and its concomitant evil forms imprinted in the politics and policies of human governments.(2Tim.3:13; 1Jo

.5:19) And it is Satan’s studied aim to destroy all godliness from off the earth and have complete control of humanity without a dissenting voice.(Rev.12:17) 

It was through the united voice of one third of the angelic host that Satan sought to gain complete and supreme power and authority in Heaven. It was through the serpent in the garden of Eden that Satan sought to gain complete control and dominion of the earth. It was through the antediluvian world that he sought to gain complete homage to his form of government. It was through Nimrod that Satan sought to build the first World Government with its seat of Power at Babel. It was through Babylon that he thought to obliterate the knowledge of God through saturating the subjugated Kingdom of Judah with Baal worship. Through each successive kingdom he continued to develop his principles until now; in this last remnant of time He seeks to bring into full power His masterpiece of Satanic government.

Therefore from age to age Satan has been developing his principles of government and YHWH has, at the same time been confirming His truth and sealing His royal Law of liberty among His obedient subjects (Isa.8:16; James 2:12)The ripening of both good and evil principles, in the hearts of man are becoming more apparent in many of the events transpiring today; especially in regards to the subject of civil and religious freedom. 

And why is this important for us to know as we consider the revealing of the Beast and false prophet of Revelation? Unless we understand the underlying principles of YHWH’S government and consistently seek for His direction, we will find ourselves pledging allegiance to the Beast and his government. Satan is to work in these times with lying wonders (2Cor.11:13-15) so much so, that if it where possible he would deceive the very elect (Matt.24:24) We, as the people of Elohim (God), are to move from heavenly principles and be governed by Heavenly Law. The worldly governments are being empowered from beneath, by the beast that ascendeth from the bottomless pit(Rev.11:7), to solidify it’s subjects in deception and ensnare the righteous in their unholy Triumvirate. (Namely the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet)

To whom do we pledge our allegiance? To whom will we place our loyalty?

YHWH our God is yearning for each of us to receive Yahshua (Jesus) by faith in His perfect Life and sacrifice, that we may fill our appointed position in His Universal Government. Behold the Lamb of Elohim which takes away the sins of the world! Behold what manner of Love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. This is a commandment which Yahshua has left us. All we need is to behold Him!

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Cor.3:18

If you have any questions regarding this post; place them in your comment and we will answer them.


Shalom In Yahshua (Jesus)




Saturday, April 9, 2011



There is much speculation as to the true identity of the anti-christ….the beast of Rev.13 and the false prophet. Many articles have been written and videos produced to give this or that version of the true identity of these principalities and powers.


We ask however, what is the Scriptural version? What version do we adhere to? Has Elohim given us the identity of these things in the Scriptures or have we to lean to our own understanding and guess?


In the writings of Peter we find an interesting verse “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:” 2Pet.1:19

Yes, ‘a more SURE word of prophecy’. We are to take the word and its interpretation as sure, and with this we proceed.




When studying prophecy (especially) Revelation it would be a good idea to check with other prophetic writings of Scripture to see if we can find a pattern of similar things, events, times, symbols relating to the same power. For example, we want to identify the beast of Rev. 13:16….we go to the beginning of the chapter and we find the first beast ‘before him’ and we see that it is a composite or hybrid beast. It was like a leopard, bear, and lion. Ok lets look at another passage (In prophecy) which talks about the same beasts…..Dan. 7:4-6….Verse 4 speaks of a lion,

verse 5 talks about a bear and verse 6 describes a leopard. We’ve learned from Dan. 7:17,23 that these animals represent kingdoms/nations. So we are going to keep to the symbols for the moment ok? So when looking at Dan.7:4-6 and Rev. 13:1-2 we see the same beasts being used. In Dan.7 the beasts are separate and distinct one from another; however, in Rev.13 they come together in one hybrid beast. This is important because what we are seeing is a transference of principles and policies to the next kingdom,….and the next….and the next…to the end of time where we will see in the final One World Government a composite beast; representing all the successful principles and polices which men, inspired by Satan; have devised to induce to forgetfulness of YHWH and His truth and supplant it with the vain philosophies of men.



The kingdoms described in Dan.7 are Lion=Babylon...Bear=Medo- Persia, the Leopard= Greece. We derive this understanding by comparing this with Dan.2 Many Bible students agree that Dan. 2 and 7 are the same vision but using different symbols. The reason for the different symbols is to highlight different aspects of the same power and to give the same information in a different way. For example, in Dan.2 we have Babylon = head of Gold. In Dan 7 the same power is called a Lion. Gold is the most precious metal the most costly. Babylon was the wealthiest nation. And because is it also a Lion it is also the preeminent of secular powers.


However, unlike in Dan.7 where the Lion is separate; the image of a man with Babylon as the head,(in Dan.2) is given to denote its connection with the next world power after it.

Satan’s desire is worship.(Isa. 14:14;Matt.4:9) He seeks to obtain it through worldly powers. From the beginning of his rebellion in Heaven; he has sought worship, and the setting up of a revel government to sway; if possible all the worlds(Heb.1:2) to worship and pay homage to him. He was given time(Rev.12:12); to establish his throne of Iniquity(Ps94:20). From age to age Satan has been working behind the scene studying what are the best methods to enslave and destroy.

For example, with the nation Babylon He enslaved the bodies of men (Dan. 1:1-4;Jer.25:11,12) to see what success he would have in destroying the Word and works of YHWH.

With the next nation; The Medes and Persians, he developed the principle of permanence of law. The law of the Medes and Persians changes not. (Dan.6:8,15)

With the Greeks it was the exaltation of the wisdom of men. Philosophy, worldly education, the blending of the philosophy of men with the words of YHWH. 

These principles; developed in the kingdoms shown in the prophecies are; to be seen and used in the NWO government  outlined in the prophecies of Revelation. “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”

The NWO will use the slavery of ancient Babylon(Rev.18:13), the permanence of law(Rev.13:15), and the blending of the philosophies of men with the True Gospel of Messiah(Mark. 7:7,Matt.15:9 Col.2:8), to produce the modern day imperial Rome.

(to be continued……)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


What is meant by the dragon, the beast and the false prophet? Shalom my friends and welcome once again to In Theses Times. Today we will turn to the Scriptures (YHWH’S Holy Word) to delve into this most important topic. We will first use the Scriptures as a dictionary to define the topic terms, then we will expound on them from the Word of Truth. It is hoped that as we look into the mind of YHWH through His Word we will receive true understanding, wisdom, strength and love as we seek to expose dark mysterious workings of the illuminati and all elements associated with it.

Only through the Scriptures (The 1611 King James Bible) can we hope to understand and prepare for what is now opening now known as the New World Order; which is really not new at all, but very old.


Let us now turn to YHWH for prayer to request wisdom and understanding regarding this topic:

O YHWH the Great and Mighty One of Israel

Whose ways are perfect and whose wisdom is infinite

We come to you in Yahshua’s name seeking wisdom and understanding and knowledge concerning your prophecies of truth.

We ask that you will forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. We ask that you will give us your mind that we may turn from our iniquities and understand your truth.

For your names sake and for your glory grant us our request and bless us with the Ruach Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) that we may learn your truth and obey you in all things.

Bless us to this end we pray In Yahshua’s name we pray ……Amein.



The word Dragon appears 19 times in the Bible within 18 verses.

In the  Tanakh (Old Testament) the Hebrew word Strong’s #8577 (תנין) tanniyn  which means: sea monster. In the (Brit Chadasha) the New Testament it appears in the Greek in the transliterated form as drakōn .

When we look at its most direct or primary meaning as given in Rev.12:9 we discover that it refers to Satan. We will discover that Satan almost never works openly; but most often works through visible entities for the accomplishment of his purposes.

For example in Rev.12:4 we find that the dragon (Satan) drew a third of the stars of Heaven …..and that he stood before the pregnant woman to destroy her child as soon as it would be born.

We this verse we learn the following:

1. Satan deceived 1/3 of the stars (angels See Rev.1:20 and Job. 38:7)

2.  They were cast to this world

3.  The Dragon (Satan) stood before the woman (symbol of YHWH’S people) (See Jer.6:2; Rev.12:17) a woman can also symbolize an wicked people who pretend to be God/YHWH’S people as in Rev. 17:3 The dragon wanted to kill the child as soon as it would be born. We know from Rev. 12:5 that the child was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and was to be caught up to God and His throne.

4.  Therefore the child must be Christ (the Messiah) because when He was born Herod the King (a representative of Rome) planned to destroy Yahshua. (See Matt.2:13,16) and it is prophesied that He, Yahshua, will rule all nations with a rod of iron (see Ps.2:9) Please note that to His enemies Yahshua’s rule will be like a rod of iron;(Psalms 110:2; but to His followers it will be righteous as found in Ps. 45:6.



Turning once again to the Scriptures of truth we look for the definition of a Beast. In Daniel 7: 17, 23 we find that a beast represents a kingdom or nation.

Even in our times we have creatures that represent countries/ nations. For example The eagle—America…..The Russian….Bear…..



The word prophet Strong’s #H5030 means spokesman or speaker. The person could be a spokesperson for another person as in Ex. 7:1 or for YHWH (as in Num.12:6) or Satan (as in Deut.18:20,22). Therefore a prophet that teaches lies is a false prophet (Isa. 9:15) and a prophet that deals in sorcery is also a false prophet (see Acts. 13:6)


Now we come to the first application of our Topic verse in question; namely Revelation 16:13.  The Dragon is Satan, The Beast is a nation (yet to be identified within the context of Rev.13:16) and also the false prophet is a religious entity yet to be identified. In context of this topic please note that it is through the 3 unclean spirits like frogs (working miracles) were the nations of earth are deceived. (see Rev.13:14)


And what is the three unclean spirits like frogs? And what does this have to do with the Illuminati?


Please visit again soon for the continuation of this topic.

I would like you all to please ask questions or comment as YHWH leads.


ps check this out……if you type illuminati backwards(in google search) and then .com you’ll get to an interesting site.

Ahava (Hebrew for Love) In Yahshua Messiah.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011


We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. 2Pet.1:19-21

There are many informative web sites, talk shows, books, videos, and other media sources which deal almost entirely with the subject of end time events and prophecies related to them. Many have claimed to have the correct understanding with regards to the many satanic forces working behind the scenes for the establishment of the coming New World Order. Many have focused their entire energies to the acquirement of inside or (hidden) knowledge concerning the dark forces or spiritual wickedness in high places, at work behind the cover of the many smoke screens of political correctness and assorted policies of craft to bring about the final display of Satan’s Throne of Iniquity as the centerpiece of the One World government. 
To the sincere and true hearted brethren which have collected the vast knowledge now available to us about the machinations of demonic powers actively pursuing the objectives of it’s Leader and have given their lives in entire consecration to God in this His service (in carrying out the mandate of (2Cor. 10:4,5)  I hereby give due respect and credit. Furthermore, as we journey through this subject we will often cite some of these very sources and their research work to give fulfilling evidence to the veracity of the fulfilling prophecies of  Holy Scriptures…..the Word of YHWH.
How than do we differ from the many sites, and sources, books and videos to be found on the subject of the end times? The answer is found in the surety of the system of Divine truth known only by a few in this world though its given in the Holy Scriptures. This system of Divine truth has been given in part of its many phases in our sister blog www.arresstedforsedition.com This system of Divine truth is taken directly from the Scriptures from which all can study; like the Bereans, to see if the things shared here are true.
In our effort to present the counter-working Power of Elohim against the totality of the Prince of Darkness and his throne of Iniquity,  we present to you the three prong Countermeasure of Truth so that you, the reader, will have the spiritual ‘Big Picture’ Scriptural perception and perspective of what is happening on a global scale in our world.
This Three prong approach takes into full account Satan’s global plan for global governance as presented in the Scriptures of Truth.
THE DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET, brings the unholy Triumvirate  alliance  into complete focus through the lens of the Scriptures. When we have this ‘Big Picture’ view; as it is presented to us by Yahshua in the Revelation of Him; we are prepared, in Him, for the coming battle.
I have three blogs which are being used to set forth the Teachings of Yahshua; in a three part fashion to give the spiritual knowledge needed to gain the victory in the coming battle with the forces of darkness.
By The Sea Once More http://bytheseaoncemore.blogspot.com/  deals with the teachings of Yahshua throughout the Gospels so we can receive (by faith) the practical teachings there presented, that we may acquire the Mind of Yahshua through practicing them in our lives. His teachings are set within the context of both the historical and end time setting .
Arrested For Sedition is the Next Holy Alliance spiritual knowledge center which presents Yahshua’s final moments before His Crucifixion; in Its historical, and end time prophetic context; which will counter-work every assault of Satan and his demonic  elements and give total victory over this world even our faith; which is the faith of Yahshua. This spiritual knowledge base (Yahshua’s final moments [from Gethsemane to Golgotha]  is the centerpiece of this entire Holy Triumvirate Power;and to me, the most important of the three. And this Holy Alliance of Truth is: 1. The Teachings of Yahshua (in its Historical and End time setting) 2. The Final moments of His Life {in prophetic detail} (From Gethsemane to Golgotha) and 3. The Revelation of Yahshua as presented in prophecies of the Scriptures.
And in this blog we present the final three fold power of Satan and His plans on a global scale (in its three main parts) “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2Cor.2:11
Therefore all end time events shared here will be viewed through : 1. The Teachings of Yahshua, His final moments before His Crucifixion, and His Prophecies and 2. The Satanic events now transpiring, within the context of  THE DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET.
And what then is the meaning of the DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET?…….To this question we will begin in our next post.

Ahava In Yahhshua Messiah,
