Saturday, January 8, 2011


We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. 2Pet.1:19-21

There are many informative web sites, talk shows, books, videos, and other media sources which deal almost entirely with the subject of end time events and prophecies related to them. Many have claimed to have the correct understanding with regards to the many satanic forces working behind the scenes for the establishment of the coming New World Order. Many have focused their entire energies to the acquirement of inside or (hidden) knowledge concerning the dark forces or spiritual wickedness in high places, at work behind the cover of the many smoke screens of political correctness and assorted policies of craft to bring about the final display of Satan’s Throne of Iniquity as the centerpiece of the One World government. 
To the sincere and true hearted brethren which have collected the vast knowledge now available to us about the machinations of demonic powers actively pursuing the objectives of it’s Leader and have given their lives in entire consecration to God in this His service (in carrying out the mandate of (2Cor. 10:4,5)  I hereby give due respect and credit. Furthermore, as we journey through this subject we will often cite some of these very sources and their research work to give fulfilling evidence to the veracity of the fulfilling prophecies of  Holy Scriptures…..the Word of YHWH.
How than do we differ from the many sites, and sources, books and videos to be found on the subject of the end times? The answer is found in the surety of the system of Divine truth known only by a few in this world though its given in the Holy Scriptures. This system of Divine truth has been given in part of its many phases in our sister blog This system of Divine truth is taken directly from the Scriptures from which all can study; like the Bereans, to see if the things shared here are true.
In our effort to present the counter-working Power of Elohim against the totality of the Prince of Darkness and his throne of Iniquity,  we present to you the three prong Countermeasure of Truth so that you, the reader, will have the spiritual ‘Big Picture’ Scriptural perception and perspective of what is happening on a global scale in our world.
This Three prong approach takes into full account Satan’s global plan for global governance as presented in the Scriptures of Truth.
THE DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET, brings the unholy Triumvirate  alliance  into complete focus through the lens of the Scriptures. When we have this ‘Big Picture’ view; as it is presented to us by Yahshua in the Revelation of Him; we are prepared, in Him, for the coming battle.
I have three blogs which are being used to set forth the Teachings of Yahshua; in a three part fashion to give the spiritual knowledge needed to gain the victory in the coming battle with the forces of darkness.
By The Sea Once More  deals with the teachings of Yahshua throughout the Gospels so we can receive (by faith) the practical teachings there presented, that we may acquire the Mind of Yahshua through practicing them in our lives. His teachings are set within the context of both the historical and end time setting .
Arrested For Sedition is the Next Holy Alliance spiritual knowledge center which presents Yahshua’s final moments before His Crucifixion; in Its historical, and end time prophetic context; which will counter-work every assault of Satan and his demonic  elements and give total victory over this world even our faith; which is the faith of Yahshua. This spiritual knowledge base (Yahshua’s final moments [from Gethsemane to Golgotha]  is the centerpiece of this entire Holy Triumvirate Power;and to me, the most important of the three. And this Holy Alliance of Truth is: 1. The Teachings of Yahshua (in its Historical and End time setting) 2. The Final moments of His Life {in prophetic detail} (From Gethsemane to Golgotha) and 3. The Revelation of Yahshua as presented in prophecies of the Scriptures.
And in this blog we present the final three fold power of Satan and His plans on a global scale (in its three main parts) “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2Cor.2:11
Therefore all end time events shared here will be viewed through : 1. The Teachings of Yahshua, His final moments before His Crucifixion, and His Prophecies and 2. The Satanic events now transpiring, within the context of  THE DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET.
And what then is the meaning of the DRAGON, THE BEAST, AND THE FALSE PROPHET?…….To this question we will begin in our next post.

Ahava In Yahhshua Messiah,
